Well, the ice is building up on the tree outside and one of the limbs is now laying on the power line. If it continues I'm afraid the line may come down and I'll be without power once more. Guess I'd better get my cell phone fully charged. Good grief!
The weather has been deteriorating all day. They think the worst is yet to come. At least state employees didn't have to report to work except for essential personnel. This is one time it is nice to be non-essential! Right now I'm in a Tom Hanks movie marathon. I've seen all these movies about a million times but they never get old. I really like Tom Hanks.
Well, I'll be back if my power stays one.
I don't remember Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arkansas having this much snow during the years I lived in Texas. The news indicates you're in for a bad one. I hope they're wrong and I hope you're able to post again tomorrow.
I hope you don't lose power! We are expecting snow/ice/sleet Friday night and they say we might have power troubles too. My daughter just delivered wood and fire logs to us.
That storm is headed my way. In fact, it has been sleeting all evening and we're expecting up to 8 inches of snow on top of it. I hope you don't lose power, and I hope we don't either.
Good luck to all of you. Stay warm and off the ice.
Sure hope you keep your power. We are sitting in the same system and so far, it is just lots of beautiful snow. We had an ice storm last year this time that demolished our trees and took our power.
Got my toes crossed for you. Stay warm and safe.
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