Wednesday, December 16, 2009

If it weren't for bad luck............

Don't they say bad luck comes in threes.  I sure hope so because that would mean my streak should be just about over for awhile.  Let's see, in less than 10 days I've had my car towed and the battery replaced, washed my cell phone in the washer, and today the sewer line backed up.  OK.....that's enough.....  I just have 3 more days until I'm on vacation for 2 weeks.  I just want to make it to January without another costly incident.

My daughter said she was going to make one of these for her dogs.  She said one of them wouldn't care and the other wouldn't know the difference!


Olga said...

Yikes! I do hope that luck changes now.

kenju said...

Sooooo sorry about the sewer line! Things happen in 3's, so you should be fine now!