Wednesday, August 16, 2023

It's back to school time again!

 Today Ron has an appointment with an orthopedist.  I'm anxious to hear what he recommends.  

We have been blessed with Spring like weather for the past few days.  What a welcome relief from the heat.  It was in the mid 70's for about 3 days.  We are slowly climbing back up with today's temperatures in the 90's and then we hit the hundreds.  Saturday is expected to be 107.  I'm ready for the heat dome to move on.

My daughters had back to school night last night and school starts tomorrow.  Julie had two parents in the process of divorce get into a fight in her room last night.  I haven't heard the details but shame on them!  I feel sorry for their children. That sure started the school year on the wrong foot. 

I'm praying this is a good year for students and teachers.  


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