Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Attitude Adjustment

I don't know why I was having such a tough day yesterday.  Too much election talk.  Oklahoma public schools have a lot riding on the outcome of the State Superintendent election, for rural schools it's a matter of their survival.  The Republican candidate wants to do school vouchers and wants to refuse all federal money to schools.  That would literally shut the doors of rural schools in the state.  So today I took everyone's advice and called a moratorium on the news and social media.   It has been a peaceful day.

I have been painting snowman pictures and a Santa or two.  Running out of wall space but it is a good hobby right now.  Today was a rather warm November day in the upper 70's.  Snowmen help remind me that winter is coming.

Ron and I are taking care of two neglected dogs that live next door.  They are left outside with no shelter or even water.  Ron fills a bucket of water for them every day and he talked to the homeowner twice about his concerns for the dogs.  We have wanted to avoid kicking up any dirt with the neighbors but after seeing the dogs left outside during a terrible thunderstorm Ron talked to them again and they said they were getting a doghouse.  We waited but no doghouse ever surfaced so we purchased an insulated house for them and put it in their backyard.  We just had to do something for those dogs and maybe we will be able to sleep better at night.  If it weren't for Ron, they would get no attention at all.  He plays with them and has taught them a few commands and they are just so happy to see him each day.

Here is to an even better day tomorrow!

1 comment:

Olga said...

So glad the odgs have found dependable friends.