Burrrrrrrr it is cold! We are at 12 degrees this morning and the wind chill is lower than that. We didn't get a ton of snow but we still have flurries this morning.
Mike gets really anxious when the weather isn't to his liking. It means he can't go to the gym and that messes up his routine. He wanted me to call him this morning and let him know how the roads are and I told him to stay home and enjoy the fact that he DOESN'T have to get out! That is not what he wanted to hear! He is very irritable!
My replacement has been hired and she's a very sweet young lady. I think she is going to be awesome......passing on the torch so to speak.
Did anyone see Coca Cola's Super Bowl commercial featuring a multilingual rendition of
"America the Beautiful" ? While it was refreshing to many — it left a bitter taste
in the mouth of conservative pundits. I said at the time that there would be a lot of backlash on that one and sure enough. What did you think about it?
I thought ... how is buying and drinking sugar water that fills you with empty calories and makes you fat . . . how is that patriotic?
I thought it was a beautiful reminder of what a diverse population America is and how proud we should be that we are able to have a country that allows us to speak many languages yet still be American! My grandparents emigrated to America and I am saddened that they never spoke their native language -- and that now that spoken language is nearly extinct. We should respect those families and their communities for not only continuing to speak their native languages but also admire them for their tenacity in learning an entirely new (and very difficult language)! I wonder how many of the critics out there could move to another country and do the same?
In addition, the ad was inclusive of all the kinds of people that make up our American community; I applaud Coca Cola for doing that as well!
And to Tom's comment: Just because you don't like the product doesn't mean that the ad is not patriotic! :)
Judy - I had the opportunity to ask a friend of mine who has been living in Paris for the past 7 years if he had learned to speak French. He said no because after 2 years he decided it was just too hard. So..it shouldn't be a surprise that to many immigrants to this country find it too hard to learn English. Foreign languages are easier learned at a young age.
Most of us have relatives who came to this country and did not speak English. That diversity should be celebrated.
I saw someone urging a Coke boycott because America the Beautiful was not sung entirely in English. I just can not understand how the gears turn in some peoples' heads.
Olga, isn't that the truth. If native Americans (you know the ones that greeted the immigrants when they got here) had their way we'd all be speaking Choctaw, Cherokee, Seminole, Creek, etc. etc. etc.
I wonder why the idea of diversity scares the bejeebers out of some people.
Some people just aren't happy if they can't find something to complain about. It was a beautiful ad.
I thought it was beautiful!
Everywhere *but* in the USA the ability to speak two or more languages is seen as extremely desirable.
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