A friend sent me an email the other day and a video about getting older. The woman said she realized she was getting old when she tried to brush a hair off her shirt and realized it was attached to her chin. She said the thing about getting old is that we don't get to practice first. Well, I'm with her. This stuff just sort of sneaks up on you. Every step I take reminds me that I'm on my way. So far it is still a journey worth taking.
Mike's psych. appointment went well yesterday. Dr. T. told him he thought he should wait awhile before getting a dog. He told Mike he needs to learn the difference between being lonely and just being alone. He was afraid Mike is sleeping too much to avoid loneliness and that he needs to learn to get comfortable with being alone. So we are going to shoot for Mike's birthday in June. It gives him something to work toward. There were no med. changes yesterday and he doesn't have to go back for a month. That worried Mike but he was assured that if he has a problem he can call and talk to Dr. T.
I really like Mike's Dr. T. What a difference he has managed for Mike. Keep up the good work.
What you say about aging and practice is more true than you realize. I often believe one of the challenges faced by people visiting in care facilities with aging or disabled family members is in see others that no one wants to be reminded of their own mortality.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick
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