Well it finally happened again. My car was broken into while I slept last night. Now this isn't the first time in the past 31 years that this has happened. Unfortunately I do not have a garage (it was converted into living space years ago) and my car sits out at night. Over the years I've had my locks damaged, windows broken, etc. Since my car is over 12 years of age and I don't have anything of value in it I now leave one door unlocked in attempt to avoid damage. A few years ago I started leaving the following note in the glove compartment with an accompanying dollar bill.
Dear Thief:
Sorry I don’t have anything of value. If I did I’d be driving a better car. Here is a $1.00 cause you must need it if you’d resort to stealing. Please make sure you close the door when you are done so as not to run down my battery.
The owner
Sure enough....this morning I found the glove compartment open. On the passenger seat sat my note and written in response....
"Thanks for the tip....I'll shut the door."
Well, at least they didn't tear up my car this time. Next time I'll ask them to clean up any trash and take it with them.
Oh, that's too bad. I wonder if you could get a car alarm?
Well, they only got a $1. and didn't tear up my car so I guess I came out OK. My next car will definitely have an alarm.
I'm back to thank you for the visit, and to say that I'm very glad I never encountered anyone like your daughter did. I'm sure that some of my brides had piercings where the sun don't shine, but at least they didn't show them to me!
(unlike my son-in-law's former wife, who showed them to her 3 sons...ick... I am sure they thought it was TMI!!
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