Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunday Thoughts

Well the events of the past week leave me speechless, well almost speechless.  The debate debacle and then Trump's diagnosis.  What a week!  Of course it took no time for the conspiracy theories to emerge. One I read said that "if" the President has the virus it is because it was planted in the White House.  One group thinks it is part of Trump's strategy and he will be sending them coded messages soon.  

You can't make up this kind of crazy!  I do wonder how this will impact the election.  You know he has some crazy scheme going but we just have to wait and see what it is.

Ron and I have already cast our ballots.  We took them directly to the election board.   Last I heard there was only about 6 percent undecided.  Don't know how anyone could still be undecided after that so called debate. 

I had a dream a few nights ago that the election was over and Biden had won.  I remember feeling as if we had been released from 4 years of Hell.  It was just this enormous feeling of relief.  Oh how I hope that dream comes true.  Not that I think all our troubles will be over immediately.  This country has a long recovery ahead but I hope that we can begin to mend the divide and that our political system can make some necessary changes to prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future.

Here's to a good week ahead filled with nothing but GOOD news!



Olga said...

Ohh, sometimes dreams can come true!!

Betty said...

I'm with you. I don't want to have to go through four more years of chaos.

Plynjyn said...

I am wondering why Pence is not required to quarantine after being seated across from Melania in the Rose Garden. Also, those precious innocent children seated beside Melania and the one boy pictured on a bench inside with a COVID-19 positive Senator. I hope they are not going to get coronavirus from being put into an infected cesspool with Chris Christi, Press secretary Kayleigh, Uncle Sham (Agent Orange), senators, etc. That is child abuse if these children get sick after being placed into an infected environment that ignored known protocol, with potentially deadly consequences.

oklhdan said...

Unfortunately it does not appear that anyone in the White House has learned from their experience with COVID. When you have a two year old at the helm insisting on joy rides to appease his ego without regard for anything or anyone I guess the outcome is obvious. I had hoped for lessons to be learned but it is not to be.