Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gus the lawn boy

A nice place to watch the world go by!

This is the handiwork of our 11 yr old lawn boy!
One day while Ron was in the hospital a cute young boy came by with a flier looking for lawns to mow.  He is about 5 feet tall and skinny as a rail.  He wears huge horn rimmed glasses and a safari hat.  I doubt he weighs 80 lbs weight.  I wasn't sure if he was even big enough to push a mower.  But his funny personality and the name of his business made it a no brainer......I had to hire him.   His business slogan was "My name's not Juan but I'll mow your lawn".

Gus (Juan) not only mows the yard but he cleaned out my flower bed and put in new stone pavers and mulch.  (His dad gave him a hand) but it looks great and I'm so impressed how hard this boy works.


Olga said...

Wow, it really looks great. He sounds like a treasure!

tatiana roosevelt said...

Great slogan, I would have hired him as well!

Muffy's Marks said...

I hope he gets a big tip at the end of the season!! Lucky he found you.