Our Sunday school class ended yesterday and a new class will not start until the fall. The last two classes were on the stages of grief. We first covered the grief we experience when we lose someone. Yesterday's class was on the grief of the dying person himself.
It was interesting to hear how important it is to listen to the needs of the dying person. Someone in class had lost their wife about 6 months ago and talked about the strain it was on his wife that her adult children were unable to accept her inevitable death. They remained in severe denial throughout her 3 month illness imposing their will upon her. They put all their hope and faith into homeopathic treatments and refused to acknowledge their mother was dying. Her husband said that his wife went along with their denial for their sake but longed to be able to talk to them about what was happening and tell them the things she wanted them to know.
I thought that was very interesting. They discussed how it is ideal if the dying and the loved ones are able to reach the same stage together. But that no matter what you should listen to the needs of the dying person. Even if you are not at the same place.
I guess everyone is different and our greatest hope is that when that time comes whether our own or a loved one....that the passing will be peaceful and without pain. That's about the best you could hope for.
I kept watching Ron and wondering if this was a difficult topic for him. He said that it was very interesting and that he was really OK with whatever comes. He said he isn't anxious about his surgery only anxious to get the results. I think he is as prepared as anyone could be under the circumstances. He said he is tired of the "not knowing" whether his kidney cancer has actually metastasized to his lung. If it has it will be a game changer but we will deal with it. If it turns out to be benign that will give us more hope than we've had in 4 years. He says he is ready to know one way or the other.
Yesterday was the children's service and it was so precious complete with a cheer for moms!
After church we spent the remainder of the day with my daughters. We had a wonderful cookout and Mike had the best time of all.
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