Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Techno Savy

What is it about blogging that is so addictive?  What makes a person (me) want to put their whole life out into the universe for all the world to see?  I don't know the answer to that but I know I can't resist it.  When I started this it was with the intention of making it a private journal but I wasn't smart enough to figure out how to do that.  All it took was receiving that first "comment" and I couldn't have cared less who read my thoughts.  Since then I have met wonderful people who have offered me encouragement when I needed it and shared the wisdom of their own experiences.  I have shared with them some of the most trying times of my life and some of the happiest. Through their blogs I have laughed and been enlightened.  I've learned everything from animal rescue to the art of floral arranging.  I have marveled at their ability to write with humor and have traveled to places I might never have seen otherwise.

I am now addicted to being able to see who has stumbled upon my rants and am always amazed as to just how we are all connected by the click of a key.  People from all over the world.  Most are like me and merely take a glimpse and move on without leaving a comment.  But that's OK...though I love to read the comments left behind by strangers, just knowing they peaked in is good enough.

I am not computer savy or even technologically enlightened but I do know a good thing when I see it.    THIS is a good thing!


Olga said...

Well said. I would have killed my siblings for reading my childhood I readily open it to the world. And, like you, I cannot seem to stop.

Arkansas Patti said...

Had to laugh at Olga's comment. I too was a secret keeper in my youth, now I blab for anyone who drifts by.
That first comment you get really sets the hook.

kenju said...

Like Olga and Patti, I had/have secrets - or at least they ought to be secret - but I blab it all for you!