The two girls on the ends are mine! The one in the middle is a sweet co-worker of the girls. They have always thought she was the missing triplet except she is 20 years younger than my daughters. What great smiles! They all clean up good! They were attending another teacher friend's wedding Saturday night and took this picture.
A dear friend of mine tragically lost her precious 2 year old grandson this weekend. He had been ill since birth but his death was sudden and unexpected. How on earth can anyone prepare themselves for such a loss? Whenever we think we have troubles all we have to do is look around to see that there are others suffering greater tragedies than our own.
How pretty your girls are!! Beautiful smiles all, but I would have thought that the one in the middle is older than yours.
You are fortunate to have such lovely daughters.
They've called off the land search this morning for our little missing boy in Portland. I cannot begin to imagine how those families can begin to go on with their lives. Awful.
You have very beautiful daughters. It's hard to even imagine they ever went through that grumpy teenage phase.
Such beautiful girls, even the one you refuse to claim.
Just terrible about your friend's grandson. Her family is in my prayers.
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