Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I can't believe I'm saying this but I've actually had nothing to say for days now. My mind is a complete blank. I've just been coasting along for the past few days completing one chore after another and just trying to stay ahead of the game. I work late tonight but then the rest of the week should go by smoothly. If I'm feeling any stress at all it is about the uncertainty of our economy and I know I'm not alone there. This morning they announced that our electric bill will go up about $15.00 a month. By itself that doesn't sound like much but just add it to the growing list of cost increases and you start to worry a little. I know my salary isn't going to increase so that means budgeting a little tighter. I guess it makes me feel very vulnerable because I've spent most of my adult life living from pay check to pay check. It wasn't until my daughters graduated from college and began their own careers that I finally had some breathing room but now I'm beginning to worry that I will suffocate once again. I'm a fairly frugal person but I don't think excessively although others might not agree with me. I've considered getting a part-time job but I worked 2 jobs for so many years I really don't want to do that at this time in my life but I will if it becomes necessary. I'm lucky that I only have to take care of myself. I don't mind doing without things. Oh well, I'm not alone in this one. Everyone is feeling the pinch and some much worse than I am.

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