Monday, October 7, 2013

Here's some ENTITLEMENT....I'm Entitled to Call Congress a Bunch of Dumb Asses

It’s times like this that my husband and I have to be very careful in what we say.  The government shut down lends itself to causing marital strife since we sit on opposite sides of the aisle.  I am way too quick to state my opinion because I’m just too mad to keep quiet.  Now that both sides are starting to talk about those pesky “entitlement” programs such as social security and Medicare I am really boiling.  While they are not losing a paycheck and they are not impacted by cuts in social security it infuriates me that they play so willy nilly with the lives of those that depend on these programs.  AND it is NOT ENTITLEMENT……….we paid in to these programs our entire working lives.  I’m ready to march on Washington.  Let’s get all our silver headed friends and march…….get your scooters and ride.  This is too serious to ignore.


Olga said...

I am with you all the way. Don't forget to contact your representatives.

Meryl Baer said...

Let me know the when and where.

Meryl Baer said...

Let me know the when and where.