Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Living On The Edge

Last night I watched the ABC special on living to be 150 year of age. It was fascinating but a bit unsettling as well. It is hard to imagine living that long but according to scientists we might be chronologically 100 year of age but functioning at a much younger physical age as much as 40 years younger. Scientists will have the ability to replace organs that wear out, cure or prevent diabetes or other aging diseases and perhaps make us spiffy dancers as well (that's just my own wish). Imagine the number of widows....women already outlive males and they indicated in order to find companionship and love women may turn to elderly lesbian relationships. Now, that I can't imagine......not that there is anything wrong with it! In fact there have been times in my life when I thought it would have been easier had I been attracted to women instead of men. At least I'd have a fighting chance of understanding one.

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