Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pet Peeves

I think hypocrisy could be ranked as one of my greatest pet peeves.  It isn't even a just flat pisses me off!  At the top of my list is Hobby Lobby..........

OK....they are using "religion" as their excuse to go to the Supreme Court because of the Affordable Healthcare Act.  I kept asking myself how come I had never heard anything about them not providing certain types of birth control as part of their healthcare package for employees until now.  Well, that's because they didn't stop providing it until 2012.  (Hmmmm does that sound more like political reasons or religious?) 

Next I read that their employees retirement accounts are invested in companies that (guess what) make contraceptives and the morning after pill.  Now that gives them the prize for hypocritical!!!!!!!

Another prize goes to my state governor.  She is so opposed to Affordable Health Care because the government shouldn't be allowed to force people to purchase health insurance.  REALLY?  I am a state employee in the State of Oklahoma and I am REQUIRED by the state to purchase health insurance.  I either pay for it or I don't work for the state.  So I guess what's good for the goose isn't necessarily good for the gander?  Or some other ridiculous argument. 

Bishops living in million dollar mansions while they asking their parishioners for money to feed the poor and the hungry?  Give me a break....

I guess I watched too much tv this morning.......cause I'm disgusted!

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."


Deb said...

Re Hobby Lobby and other businesses spouting such BS, their "religion" is money and lining up with whatever politics is likely to put more of that in their pockets.

Perhaps Oklahoma's governor has dementia? That's an affliction affecting a lot of politicians these days.

There are days when the news make you grind your teeth to bloody stumps.

Marty said...

Thank you. I appreciate it when people pull aside the curtain and show me what's really going on.

kenju said...

Preach it!! I agree.

Betty said...

I agree. And, what about the government forcing us to carry car insurance - liability, at least?

Olga said...

Hobby Lobby is off my list. If they want to open up a Christian Book store staffed entirely by their own family and/or church members, I might understand.