Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I got this in an email from a friend who has been sending me emails about our horrible socialist president for quite awhile.  This was just another one.  I usually don't respond to these but I couldn't help but respond with the question "Is he selling books or saving America?"  Newt's no dummy......he's selling books, testing the water for the next presidential race and in his spare time, "Saving America"?   I've never seen anything like the fear and hatred that's being spit out toward this president.  It's amazing!

A Personal Message From Newt Gingrich
"Two Simple Steps to Help Save America."

Dear Friend,

America is facing a mortal threat from our president and his Secular-Socialist Machine—a corrupt bureaucracy, which is actively using manipulation, bribery, and dishonesty to demolish our core values and replace them with their own.

If left unchecked, their lethal combination of high tax, big bureaucracy, radically secular policies and machine-politics will radically transform our country into something we barely recognize.

That's why I wrote my new book *To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine* , to explain precisely how we can dismantle this machine and replace it with policies and institutions that work. But I need your help.

So today I'm asking you to take two simple actions to help me save America:

*/First/*: Click below to watch my video about the threats we face.
*/Second/*: Send the video URL to your family and friends to spread the message.

Saving America is the greatest challenge we face today. Together, you and I can restore this great nation to our Founding Fathers vision. But we must act quickly, or our children will inherit a country transformed beyond recognition.

/Newt Gingrich/


Linda said...

Newt Gingrich runs for president 365 days out of every year. I still remember the year he decided he would run only if he were drafted. Talk about ego run amuck, that's Newt.

I know we are not supposed to say this but I firmly believe race is one among many reasons this president is so hated by these people.

I suppose Republicans think they can redeem themselves if they destroy Democrats.

kenju said...

I agree with Linda. It's a race issue, thought most won't admit it. Idiots.

Olga said...

Remind me...what's so terrible about secular socialism again??
And I have seen first hand the racism that fuels the hatred of all things Obama--so I agree there.