Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Meal Train

This afternoon I prepared my brother's meals for next week.  On his menu was salmon patties, Mike's chili, beef pot pies, THANKSGIVING, pork chops, pulled pork and roast beef.  I prepared 5 lunches as well.  

Later I wrapped all my daughter's Christmas gifts for her.  I have always enjoyed wrapping gifts.  When I was in high school I would work at J.C. Penny's during the Christmas holiday wrapping gifts.  I've enjoyed wrapping them ever since.  I've already done all my shopping and wrapped them as well.  Early bird I guess!

Tomorrow I'm driving Mike to the doctor.  He has a rash from something he is allergic to and I think he will need a steroid pack in order to clear it up.  Thankfully it isn't causing him any discomfort.

We are planning a fairly low key Thanksgiving dinner this year.  There are only 7 of us for dinner this year but we will have about 20 for Christmas.  Can't wait.......should be lots of fun.  My daughter and son-in-law will have their four girls this year.  That is just one of the hard things about divorce.  The division of time and holidays.  Thankfully the girls live in Norman as well so it makes it so much easier to see them.  They are all 13 years old now.  The triplets turned 13 in July and Emma was 13 in April.  A houseful of teenage girls!  Yikes

I hope everyone has a safe and blessed holiday!

1 comment:

Olga said...

have a happy Thanksgiving. Low key is good. Rest up before the Christmas partytime.