Saturday, November 21, 2015

clearing the cobwebs

I think I'd like to become a minimalist.  I'm not sure I know exactly what that entails but I'm definitely thinking that less is more.  

Upon emptying the guest room I was aghast at the number of cobwebs I found and the dead bugs.  Because the room is small you can't really move the furniture to clean behind or under anything.  YUK........... I think removing carpet and replacing with laminate will make it easier to clean or at least I'm hoping that will be the case.  I'll put the pads under all the furniture legs so they won't scratch the floor but it also makes it easier to slide furniture.  It's a win, win for me.  By the time I'm done with this project I'll at least know the rooms are clean!

The wind is howling today and the temperature dropped to 44 which with the wind feels like 20.  The wind in Okla. always blows which is why I gave up wearing contacts when I was in college.  There was always something blowing into my eyes requiring emergency removal of a contact or two.  Just got to be too much of a hassle.  Of course those were the hard contacts.  I've never tried the soft ones.  Now that I have chronic dry eyes I don't think I could tolerate contacts anyway.

My girlfriend just had cataract surgery and has been able to throw her glasses away (for now).  They did say she may require readers later on after her eyes have completely healed.  She was blind as a bat without her glasses so this is a huge change.  Maybe I will just wait until I have cataract surgery and perhaps I'll be able to get rid of my glasses also. 

It has now been almost 4 months since we retired.  I have finally gotten used to not getting up every morning and going to work.  It's great!  I do lose track of the days a little but I just hung a calendar in the kitchen so maybe I can keep better track.  What a problem to have!  Of course if it weren't for Ron I'd probably be bored.  It's nice retiring together and having his companionship.  I'm so blessed!  I'll never take this time together for granted.



Florence said...

We had the carpets in the hall and bedrooms removed and installed laminate in our previous home. Loved how easy it was to clean.

I've been retired for 5 years now and I still get so much pleasure from knowing that I don't have to go in when the weather is bad. You hear it raining and the wind blowing and the radio says that the freeways are at a standstill, and you just turn over and don't have to deal with it! Wonderful!

Olga said...

I think about cataract surgery and the chance togo without glasses--the no glasses after a lifetime of them is appealing, not the surgery part. But my eye doctor said while I have the beginnings of cataracts, surgery is a long ways off.